Sunday 11 November 2012


14. Attends Rotherham Model Boys School. Currently suspended for theft of
11 bunsen burners from science classes during a 3 week period.


36. Single. Land Hole Formation Analyst (cave researcher). Specializes
in stalactite and stalagmite formation.

Friday 19 October 2012


61. Owner at McSwindles Bakery. Inventor of the McSwindle Slice.
A chocolate coated sponge cake slice with Lemon Curd centre.

Wednesday 17 October 2012


63. Retired driving instructor. Board member at Lolworth
neighbourhood watch committee.

Monday 15 October 2012


57. Retired auditer for British Standards Institution (BSI). A multinational 
business services provider whose principal activity is the production of 
standards and the supply of standards-related services.


36. Currently unemployed. Laser Disc enthusiast.